Bolster Your Brand and ROMI

We deliver unique Business to Business (B2B) items to help demonstrate your brand leadership and align to your plans. We save time and improve reliability of delivery by evaluating over 1 million items across over 6,000 suppliers to identify creative, compelling, cost effective and community inspired giveaways. We feature eco-friendly items sourced in the USA.

Thought Leadership
Save Time
Support Sustainability

The 4 C's of Promotions

We offer both traditional and custom promotional products.  Many featured products also increase ROMI, often by recapturing prior spend.  We also support sustainability programs, and improve satisfaction by delighting your customers, partners, employees, and community.

Cost Effective
Community Inspired
Nearly nine of ten consumers remember the branding of a promotional product and roughly eight in ten look up the brand after receiving a promotional product.
Source: PPAI